Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Is This The Missing Key To Your Success?
Support can come in many forms. If you can afford them leads can make a marked difference. But another way to reach success easier is through having actual support. Does your internet marketing program provide you with live support? Or, do you have to dig through support forums, put in problem tickets and then wait and hope someone to takes the time to answer you helpfully and quickly?
Live Support versus Support Ticket System
Live support, versus submitting a support ticket and waiting 24+ hours for a response can make a huge difference. Home business workers don’t always work full time at their online pursuits. They may steal moments in the evening and on the weekends while they’re waiting to quit their day job. Getting a live answer could mean the difference between getting closer to a real second income or waiting until next weekend when you have more time to devote to your entrepreneurial efforts.
There are many programs out there however I work with one whose major selling point is their 24/7 Skype chat room.
Webinars, Training, and More
Affiliate marketing programs that offer ongoing webinars can be very helpful. But if in addition to training programs you also have instant access to real support, this can make a dramatic difference when you dedicate a few hours at a time to promote and build your business.
Need more info about making money online or affiliate marketing in general? Keep in touch with my blog.
Friday, 23 March 2012
Men Are From Foursquare, Women Are From Facebook
I began thinking about this while reading Porter Novelli’s EuroPNstyles research conducted among consumers in the UK and other European countries. Drilling down into the facts and stats around social media, several clear trends emerged showing that the same preferences and behaviours are being played out in the digital space just as they are offline.
Of course both sexes are highly engaged in social media, but our data indicates that women are using social channels to reinforce existing social connections, and to interact with friends and family.
By contrast men demonstrate a clear bias towards showing or sharing status, and promoting their opinions to the wider world. Never mind Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus – today it seems Men are from Foursquare, Women are from Facebook.
I pulled some of these trends into a presentation that I gave as part of Social Media Week London, here are a few UK highlights:
Women are more socially active than men:
65% of women access social media at least once a week, compared with just 51% of men
Women are more likely to connect with people they know:
93% of women using social media do so to read posts and view pictures from friends or to comment on their friends’ profiles.
For men the numbers dropped to 89% and 84% respectively.
UK women lead the rest of Europe in following brands to access deals and offers – this is the motivation for around 64% of women in social media, compared to a European average of just 52%, and 56% among UK men.
Men are more likely to use social networks to display status and opinions. In the UK 45% of men use social media to check into places compared with just 33% of women. Men are also more happy to broadcast what they’re saying to the world: 35% of socially-savvy men are Twitter users compared to 27% of women.
Men are also more active in the blogosphere: 54% of digitally-active men say they seek out other people’s blogs to read, compared with 46% of women. Men are more active bloggers than women too (34% vs 24%).
It’s interesting to see that Forrester, the Wall Street Journal, comScore and even Facebook are all seeing similar trends, although brands and marketers are not always following suit.
As Forrester’s Tracy Stokes argues: “Women have the potential to drive a brand’s reputation online because, compared with men, they are more connected with each other and like to talk about brands and products, especially in social media. But marketers, particularly in more male-oriented categories like finance, are not making a digital connection with women.”
It sounds simple but in this new era of communications, it’s not enough to know how to “do digital” – we still need to understand people and what influences them, regardless of the medium. Those brands that manage to combine social media savvy with human insights will maximise their chance of success.
Note: EuroPNStyles is an annual study conducted by Porter Novelli among more than 10,000 European consumers in the UK, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and the Netherlands (UK sample = 1,700 people).
It reflects our agency’s belief that research uncovers insights which can trigger behavioural change.
Helen Nowicka is UK head of digital/EMEA social media strategist, Porter Novelli Read more: http://wallblog.co.uk/2012/02/17/men-are-from-foursquare-women-are-from-facebook/#ixzz1px93r4aj
Saturday, 17 March 2012
The Other Side of the Google - Google Tools
You should be aware though that Google has a wealth of inbound marketing tools, that largely go unnoticed, that can help you drive more traffic to your sites for both free and paid marketing.
I'm talking about tools like Google Adwords, Google Places, Google News, Google Reader, Google Alerts, the Google+ Social Network, Google Analytics, and Google Docs to name a few. We will briefly examine a few of them here.
In my opinion, Google Places definitely gives you the most bang for your buck, especially since it's FREE! It is one of the easiest ways to get your business listed on the first page of Google when people in your local area search for your type of business.
Google Places will get your business found on both Google Search and Google Maps. Let's face it, most people would be more comfortable doing business with someone in their local area than they would with someone in another state or country. You often hear that people tend to do business with those they know, like, and trust. Nothing develops trust like face-to-face contact. I think if you aren't using this, it could be a real boon for your business.
Just go to google.com/places to create your Google Places listing. Be sure to optimize it for the keywords you want people to use to find you. You should enhance your listing by adding images and videos so as to help capture your audience's attention. You also want to be sure to provide links to your website and current contact information.
Google Adwords is the vehicle for paid advertising where you can purchase Pay-per-Click (PPC) ads. These are the ads that show up on the right-hand side, and sometimes in a shaded area at the top, of the Google Search Results page. These are known as Sponsored Links. These ads also show up on many other websites via the Google Display Network through the use of Contextual Targeting.
Contextual Targeting uses your keywords and themes to find the best placements for your ads across the GDN. For example, if you are marketing vitamins, your ad can show up on certain health and wellness sites. Adwords actually has a Context Targeting Tool that allows you to create ad groups based on the keywords you enter.
When it comes to the Sponsored Links, because there is so much competition for the top spots, you need to be smart about picking your keywords so that you can rank higher in the ad placement order than your competitors.
Adwords has a Google Keywords Tool that can help you create a thorough keyword research strategy. You can use Google Keywords whether you are using paid (Adwords) or free marketing. There isn't nearly enough time to adequately describe Adwords and paid strategies.
You really should educate yourself about paid strategies like PPC before embarking on this type of marketing, as it could get pretty expensive if you are not careful. You should also know that about 75% of searchers will click on the organic (free) search results and only 25% of online searchers will click on the paid ads.
Google Analytics is one of a number of Google tracking tools. This one is for websites and basically provides you with a wealth of information about the visitors to your website, where they came from, how long they stayed on your site, and what actions they took while there. This also is a free service. It can provide the data you need to measure the effectiveness of your ads, capture pages, and other marketing efforts so that you can tweak your marketing to improve sales and conversions.
Other tracking tools includes Adword's Conversion Tracking and Conversion Optimizer. Conversion Tracking shows you which visitors to your site actually performed the desired actions.
The Conversion Optimizer uses the Conversion Tracking data to adjust your ad placements on the Google Display Network to get your more profitable clicks at a lower cost.
Google News and Google Alerts are basically used by marketers to generate content ideas. Google News allows you to stay on top of the latest information about your industry, so that you can take advantage of the newness of the information to write a blog post about it before your competitors.
Similarly, with Google Alerts you can be instantly alerted about news and messages related to keywords that interest you. So instead of monitoring Google News, you can be alerted when something that interests you comes across the wire. You can filter the alerts to limit them to the type of content you're interested in, for example, news articles, videos, blog posts, etc. You can also get them in a daily or weekly digest if you prefer.
Google Reader is similar in that it can be used to generate content ideas. You can use it to subscribe to websites, blogs, and RSS feeds so that you can stay on top of industry happenings.
Google+ aka Google Plus is a relatively new social network that can drive both search engine and social media traffic to your site. You can set up any number of circles on your profile for different categories of associates, and share content with the whole circle or select individuals within the circle on a message by message basis.
Another thing you can do to increase traffic to your site is to install the +1 Button on your website. Similar to the Facebook Like Button, this button allows you to easily share links and promote results in the Google organic search results. Research of over 5,000 sites has shown that you are 3.5 times more likely to receive traffic if you have the +1 Button installed on your site. There are now also Google+ Business Pages that are relatively simple to create. Google+ Business Pages will allow you to better develop relationships with prospects and customers.
There is also evidence to suggest your Business page will be more apt to show up in the Google search results, and just like any other page, you should optimize it as best you can. Google also created a Direct Connection integration between Google+ and the search engine, so that all anyone has to do is put a plus sign (+) in front of your business name in the search window, and Google will skip over the traditional search results page and go directly to your Google+ Business Page.
Again this is just a taste of what is available out in the Google universe. If you think any of these tools could help in your marketing, you owe it to yourself to do a deep dive on the tools of your choice to get more information. This is especially true if you are considering paid marketing. One thing is true when it comes to getting traffic from Google is that you will pay one way or the other to get listed.
You can pay cash directly to get immediate results in the form of paid ads in the Sponsored Links and on the Google Display Network. Or you can pay with the time that it takes to create content and optimize your website or blog to be listed in the organic or free search results. Paid marketing strategies are a short-term solution that yield immediate results.
Search Engine Optimizing your site for free traffic is a more long-term strategy as you can conceivably receive traffic forever organically, whereas paid marketing can only generate traffic for you as long as your budget for the marketing campaign allows. Once you stop paying, the traffic dries up. Which ever way you decide to go, I hope that this information can help you pick the right tools.
About the Author
Thanks and I hope you enjoyed reading my article The Other Side of the Google.
You can order the course or get more information at this Newbie Launching Pad site.
Reginald Liggins is an internet marketing trainer and coach who resides outside of Portland in Beaverton, Oregon. Reginald can be reached at regliggins@gmail.com
Friday, 16 March 2012
Social Media Marketing in 2012
Social media marketing is such a broad term that many people who are looking to boost the image of their company ask "What is social media marketing?
Social media marketing defined as the process of gaining website traffic or attention through social media sites such as facebook, Twitter, youtube, etc.
Doing business today is very different & challenging from the days of old, What worked earlier that doesn't necessarily ensure success today, nor can you get by just with extensive knowledge in one particular arena. Today is about keeping your eyes and ears open and bringing value to others in new ways.
Today is about re-inventing and expanding and building relationships across a wide open sea of Social Media. It requires a passion for learning new technologies, a willingness to immerse yourself in uncharted waters and a genuine capacity for generosity.
People are engaging in conversations. Conversation is the new marketing. Tapping into these conversations shows where your audience is spending time online, and what subjects and issues are of interest to them. To reach your consumers successfully, you need to move your marketing activity from the traditional "push" method, where you broadcast your messages to thousands via the media, to a "pull" strategy, where you make it easy for people to find your information, whenever and wherever they want it.
"If searching for the news was the most important development of the last decade, sharing the news may be among the most important developments of the next."
Therefore it is very important to have a presence on social networking sites. Social networks not only give the marketer a place to express themselves but it also provides with a unique platform to interact with their customers and help them serve better. And ultimately fulfilling the sole cause of the business i.e. Customer Satisfaction.
This can also be a great starting point for the marketing to go viral and pick up a grassroots effort.
Marketing of social media through various social media platform
Twitter allows companies to promote products on an individual level. The use of a product can be explained in short messages that followers are more likely to read. These messages appear on followers home page. Messages can link to the product's website, Facebook profile, photos, videos, etc. This link provides followers the opportunity to spend more time interacting with the product online. This interaction can create a loyal connection between product and individual and can also lead to larger advertising opportunities. Twitter promotes a product in real-time and brings customers in.
Facebook profiles are more detailed than Twitter. They allow a product to provide videos, photos, and longer descriptions. Videos can show when a product can be used as well as how to use it. These also can include testimonials as other followers can comment on the product pages for others to see. Facebook can link back to the product's Twitter page as well as send out event reminders. Facebook promotes a product in real-time and brings customers in.
As marketers see more value in social media marketing, advertisers continue to increase sequential ad spend in social by 25%. Strategies to extend the reach with Sponsored Stories and acquire new fans with Facebook ads continue to an uptick in spend across the site. The study attributes 84% of "engagement" or clicks to Likes that link back to Facebook advertising. Today, brands increase fan counts on average of 9% monthly, increasing their fan base by two-times the amount annually.
These platforms are not only used for marketing social media but also help in social media monitoring.
for more information visit our website-: http://www.socialmedia18.com
About the Author
Social Media 18 is a Social Media & Search Marketing agency, we are group of young, talented & passionate people and we love "Socializing", we help brands in developing better strategy for Social Media & Search Marketing.
We strongly believe that from earlier days of one way communication, now it's time to understand that relationships are more powerful than marketing. If marketers look at Social Media as another channel for advertisement, it won't help. Social Media is not about one more bill board it's about conversation & engagement with your consumers.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
What Do ALL Internet Marketing Success Stories Have In Common?
Some people are destined for success as an entrepreneur. They’re born leaders and they have the drive and ambition to succeed. Some people dream of wealth and success but don’t have the initiative to make it happen. Do you fall under one of these categories? Which one?
Success in an area such as internet marketing is possible for anyone. There’s enough room and growth opportunities for everyone with the ever-expanding online land of plenty But most people don’t just stumble into instant success. They work for it. Unless you have a rich relative who’s bequeathing you a vast fortune, you’ll have to work hard to be successful. (And even if you have that rich Uncle, you’ll have to work hard not to just squander it all away on bad decisions and as a result of laziness!)
Hard work doesn’t have to be painful. You can put your entrepreneurial dreams to good use and get successful without a treacherous and long hard road of failures and lessons.
How? Find a mentor and learn from them.
Benefits of Getting Coached:
-Your coach will give you a success roadmap. This will help you avoid the pitfalls and help you find the detours that can make the journey a little bit shorter and as enlightening as possible!
-Your coach will help you with step by step instructions. No guesswork involved. You’ll still work but you’ll work with purpose.
-If you make mistakes or need help, a coach can assist with this. No need to wallow in your misery if you’re frustrated or confused. A coach or mentor means you’re not alone.
How do you find an entrepreneurism / internet marketing mentor? There are opportunities for coaching and mentoring programs for entrepreneurs who want to develop online businesses. You can learn from experts what to do and what not to do. Yes, you’ll have to work hard but if you’re a true entrepreneur, you’ll enjoy the learning process because it’s all part of the process of building your own empire. Check out the sidebar for information on how to get started with the 4 FREE ebooks.
Friday, 9 March 2012
Tips To Turn Your Passion Into Profit
Ongoing personal development is important and the best way to continually do this is to be excited about whatever it is that you do. Think about what makes you passionate when you choose your internet marketing niche and start your online business.
Some of the most successful online marketers out there make a living doing something they love. Are you a gym bunny who’s passionate about health and wellness? Couldn’t you turn that into an online business? Do you love yachting (or wish you could afford a yacht)? Then why not start a business related to it?
If you have an insatiable thirst for all things related to this topic, you won’t have a problem writing about it, researching it, and living and breathing it on a daily basis. Here are some tips to help you turn passion into profit: - Research constantly.
Learning is power and because you’re going to have a business related to something you enjoy learning about, it won’t even feel like work.
- Write a book related to what you’re interested in. Market that ebook online.
- Set up Google Alerts for the topic. Then you’ll get news and info to research, which will help you understand the industry, the market place, and what people want.
- Join marketing groups, small business directories, and online forums related to marketing AND to your topic. You can then see who the big players in the industry are and learn from them.
- Search for affiliate marketing products related to your desired niche. Buy them, try them, and then market them yourself. Passion does fuel success.
If you’re stoked about something, you won’t have much trouble selling it to others and you won’t tire of researching the topic to become known as a subject matter expert. Experts can easily attract potential customers and make sales.
Match your passion with the right internet marketing learning strategy and you could love what you do and be able to afford that yacht sooner than you might expect :)