Thursday, 5 April 2012

Viral Marketing – Powerful Results with Little Effort

Competition is so intense today especially on the web. With this level of competition, business owners are trying so hard to stay ahead of the game. But there is one powerful marketing strategy that you can tap in order to create powerful results even with so little effort from your part. This is the concept of viral marketing.
Within the confines of the internet world, viral marketing is one of the biggest concepts that are gaining momentum right now. Like a storm gaining strength, this type of marketing is so effectively ideal for small players who try to gain more sales and more clients but do not have the deep pockets to invest in pay per click or other paid forms of advertising.
The main goal of viral marketing is creating buzz, building this desire among people with common interests. The key here is creating a certain attachment to a particular product or service you are promoting. Thus, you need to let your message come across clearly so that your target understands it perfectly.
When we talk about viral marketing, we instantly think of social media marketing or Facebook. Yes, viral marketing is much practiced in social media sites where we share a website or a post we liked. But this does mean that other forms of promotions cannot take advantage of the concept of viral marketing. Even the old-fashioned article marketers can actually make good use of this powerful form of marketing. How?
Article marketing requires you to submit articles to directories. In return, you are allowed to create your own resource box or signature wherein you can supply your link back to your own site. The great thing here is that these directories let other people republish the unaltered article in their sites and blogs. As time passes along, your articles become viral and you gain more and more traffic because the article you may have written was already published in quite a number of places already. This also allows you to gain more inbound links to help your search engine rankings.
Another way you can take advantage of viral marketing is through twitter. When you tweet your message and this message is something that really sparks the interest of followers, people will start re-tweeting. This is a powerful way to convey a message to your target audience and leverage on their effort to help you spread the word. This is especially effective with events and short-term promotions.
With so little effort from your part, viral marketing can help deliver your message to many people. This is the real power of being viral. You engage people who have common interests and you allow them to willingly share this to their circle when they like what they found. Thus, you reach genuine prospects without spending a fortune in your marketing campaigns. This is word-of-mouth marketing in steroids. If you are not still taking advantage of viral marketing in your business today, what are you waiting for?

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